Example Questions
Note that the question answering performance depends on the current content of the respective Wikidata items, the Stanford CoreNLP parser, and Sympy formula splitting.
Formula Concept Questions
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What is the formula for ideal gas law ?
What is the formula for mass-energy equivalence ?
What is the formula for frequency ?
What is the formula for free fall ?
What is the formula for Hooke's law ?
What is the formula gravitational force ?
What is the formula gravitational potential ?
Geometry Questions
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What is the volume of regular dodecahedron ?
What is the volume of pentagonal prism ?
What is the volume of pyramid ?
What is the surface area of triangular cupola ?
Area of sphere?
Relationship Questions
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What is the relationship between mass and energy ?
What is the relation between relationship speed and time ?
What is the relationship between volume and temperature ?
What is the relation between x and y ?
What is the relation between a and b and c ?
Hindi Questions
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पाइथागोरस प्रमेय के लिए फार्मूला क्या है ?
ऊर्जा और द्रव्यमान के बीच क्या संबंध है ?
द्रव्यमान और त्वरण के बीच क्या संबंध है ?
गोला के लिए आयतन क्या है ?
Direct Formula Input
A = \frac{1}{2}(x_1 + x_2 )h
A = \frac{{\theta r^2 }}{2}
P = 2l + 2w
V = \frac{{4\pi r^3 }}{3}
A = \frac{1}{2}ab\sin C
\lambda = \frac{h}{{mv}}
T = \frac{{\hbar c^3 }}{{8\pi kGM}}
E = mc^2